티스토리 뷰




Live on Mars!

화성에서 살기!

Do you want to live on another planet?

당신은 다른 행성에 살고 싶나요?

The Korea Space Organization (KSO) is looking for people to go to Mars!

한국 우주 기구는 화성  사람들을 찾고 있어요!

Our mission is to build a city on Mars

우리의 임무는 화성에 도시를 건설하는 것이에요

We’re looking for someone...

우리는 이런사람을 찾고 있어요...

who is healthy

건강한 사람

who is creative and curious

창의적이고 호기심이 많은 사람

who can get along with others

다른 사람들과  지낼  있는 사람

who can adapt to a new environment quickly

새로운 환경에 빠르게 적응할  있는 사람

To apply, send us a short video.

신청하려면 저희에게 짧은 영상을 보내주세요

The video must include the answers to the following questions:

비디오에는 다음 질문에 대한 답이 포함되어야 해요

1. Why do you want to go to Mars?

1.  화성에 가고 싶나요?

2. Do you have a good sense of humor?

2. 당신은 좋은 유머감각을 가지고 있나?

3. Why are you the perfect person for this mission?

3. 당신은   임무에 완벽한 사람인가요?

This is a chance of a lifetime, so don’t miss out!

이것은 일생 한번의 기회이니 놓치지 마세요!


Mars, the Second Earth?

화성, 2 지구?

Although there are many books and movies about Mars, no one has been there yet.

비록 화성에 관한 많은 책과 영화들이 있지만, 아직 아무도 그곳에  사람은 없어요

These days, scientists are looking at Mars as a new home.

요즘, 과학자들은 화성을 새로운 터전으로 보고 있어요

In fact, NASA and some companies are trying to send people there right now

사실, NASA 몇몇 회사들은 지금 사람들을 그곳으로 보내려고 노력하고 있어요

The big question is, “Can people live on Mars?” 

가장 중요한 질문은 "화성에 사람이   있을까?"예요.

Many scientists believe so for several reasons.

많은 과학자들은가지 이유로 그렇게 믿고 있어요

First, they think that there is water on Mars.

첫째, 그들은 화성에 물이 있다고 생각해요

This is great because water is necessary for all life.

물은 모든 생명을 위해 필요하기 때문에 이것은 좋은 것입니다

Second, Mars has hard land to build houses and buildings on.

둘째, 화성은 집과 건물을 짓기 위한 단단한 땅을 가지고 있어요

Third, the length of day and night on Mars is similar to that on Earth.

셋째, 화성의 낮과 밤의 길이는 지구의 것과 비슷해요

In addition, Mars also has four seasons.

게다가, 화성에도 사계절이 있어요

So, people can lead similar lives.

그래서 사람들은 비슷한 삶을   있어요

Lastly, Mars is not very far.

마지막으로, 화성은 그리 멀지 않아요

It is the second closest planet to Earth.

 행성은 지구에서  번째로 가까운 행성이에요

Mars, however, has some differences from Earth.

하지만, 화성은 지구와 몇 가지 차이점을 가지고 있어요

First, Mars is about half the size of Earth.

첫째, 화성은 지구의 절반 크기에요

It is the second smallest planet in the solar system.

 행성은 태양계에서  번째로 작은 행성이에요

Second, a year on Mars is about twice as long as a year on Earth.

둘째로, 화성에서의 1년은 지구의  2배예요

Third, Mars is much colder than Earth.

셋째, 화성은 지구보다 훨씬  추워요

On average, it is about -60˚C on Mars

평균적으로, 화성의 온도는  영하 60 ̊C예요

This is because Mars is farther away from the Sun than Earth

이것은 화성이 지구보다 태양에서  멀리 떨어져 있기 때문이에요

Although no one can answer the big question right now, it is exciting to imagine this new world

비록 지금은 아무도 그  질문에 대답할  없지만, 이러한 새로운 세상을 상상하는 것은 신나는 일이에요

Who knows?

누가 알아요? 

You could be the first Korean on Mars!

여러분이 화성에 사는  번째 한국인이 될지!
