티스토리 뷰








When I was little,

I could not understand the concept

that you could only live one life.

어렸을 땐,

한 가지 인생만 살 수 있다는 말이

이해가 안됐어요.









But, as I grew up, I had this sinking realization,

that I wasn't gonna get to live any more than one life.

그런데, 자라면서 몸소 느꼈죠,

한가지 삶만 살 수 있다는 것을.















And it was around this time
that I became obsessed with stories,

because it was through stories

that I was able to see through someone else's lens,

however briefly or imperfectly.

그때 쯤이었을거에요,

'스토리'에 빠져버린게.


이야기를 통해서

완벽하진 않지만 간략하게 나마

다른 사람의 눈을 통해

세상을 볼 수 있잖아요.










So I busied myself telling stories

and sharing stories and collecting them.

그때부터 내 이야기를 전하고

다른 사람의 이야기를 모으기 바빴던 것 같아요.

poem와 같은, 다양한 을 통해서요.










