I discovered that each of them knew something about their life purposes, because they knew 5 things: 행복하다고 느끼는 사람들은 삶의 목적에 대해 알고 있다는 사실을 알게됐습니다. 그들은 이 5가지를 알고 있었습니다. 1. Who are you? 당신은 누구입니까? 2.What do you love to do? What is the one thing that right now you feel supremely qualified to teach other people? 좋아하는 것은 뭔가요? 지금 당장 자신있게 다른 사람들에게 가르쳐줄 수 있는 한 가지가 있다면 무엇일까요? 3. Who do you do it for? 누구를 위..
When I was little, I could not understand the concept that you could only live one life. 어렸을 땐, 한 가지 인생만 살 수 있다는 말이 이해가 안됐어요. But, as I grew up, I had this sinking realization, that I wasn't gonna get to live any more than one life. 그런데, 자라면서 몸소 느꼈죠, 한가지 삶만 살 수 있다는 것을. And it was around this time that I became obsessed with stories, because it was through stories that I was able to see through s..