[TED] How many lives can you live? 한가지 인생? 여러가지 인생?
When I was little, I could not understand the concept that you could only live one life. 어렸을 땐, 한 가지 인생만 살 수 있다는 말이 이해가 안됐어요. But, as I grew up, I had this sinking realization, that I wasn't gonna get to live any more than one life. 그런데, 자라면서 몸소 느꼈죠, 한가지 삶만 살 수 있다는 것을. And it was around this time that I became obsessed with stories, because it was through stories that I was able to see through s..
영어 자료/TED
2020. 5. 15. 11:56