티스토리 뷰


딕테이션 후, 드래그해서 스크립트를 확인하세요. 


Divorce is on the increase around the world.

It seems divorce rates are rising in pretty much every country you read about.

I know, in my country, divorce is now not unusual.

More than thirty per cent of marriages end in divorce.

I suppose it’s easier nowadays to get a divorce, and it’s more socially acceptable.

I know it was more difficult to get divorced 50 years ago.

People thought that there was something wrong with you if you were a divorcee.

Today, it’s common to get through two, three, even more marriages.

Perhaps people should think a bit more before they get married.

Divorce is pretty hard on children.

When a divorce gets ugly, the kids really suffer.

Sorting out divorce settlements can be a messy business.
