티스토리 뷰




딕테이션 후, 드래그해서 스크립트를 확인하세요. 






There’s a famous song that says “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”.

Is that true?

Do all women like diamonds?

They are certainly very beautiful, especially when you see them sparkling.

But really, only rich people can afford diamonds.

When I bought my wife’s wedding ring, we could only afford a smallish diamond.

There were lots of beautiful rings in the store with huge diamonds but they all cost an arm and a leg.

One day I’ll buy her a big diamond as a surprise.

Nowadays you have to worry where diamonds come from.

Many countries sell diamonds to buy guns and tanks.

These are called blood diamonds.

If you buy a diamond, make sure it has a certificate so you know which country it came from.

